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Thalassia Salentina Volume 40, suppl. 2 (2018) - Alblakes3 2017 Current knowledge of biodiversity in vjosa river systemcounting threats that jeopardize species and ecosystems survival  PDF
Spase Shumka, Ferdinand Bego, Saimir Beqiraj, Anila Paparisto, Lefter Kashta, Laura Shuka, Lulezim Shuka, Aleko Miho, Sotir Mali

Transitional Waters Bulletin in the CADSES area vol. 1, n. 1 (2005) Lagoon of Patok Details  PDF_EN PDF_SQ
Saimir Beqiraj

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 3 (2007) Ecosystem processes: litter breakdown patterns in Mediterranean and Black Sea transitional waters Details  PDF
F. Sangiorgio, A. Basset, M. Pinna, L. Sabetta, M. Abbiati, M. Ponti, M. Minocci, S. Orfanidis, A. Nicolaidou, S. Moncheva, A. Trayanova, L. Georgescu, S. Dragan, S. Beqiraj, D. Koutsoubas, A. Evagelopoulos, S. Reizopoulou

Rivers and citizens. Cross-border experiences in environmental protection and sustainable development Regional importance of the fauna of the cross-border river Buna Details  PDF
Sajmir Beqiraj , Dhimiter Dhora

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